
Life is a precious gift from god which we generally not live fully; pondering over little things ignoring the happiness and contentment within us and in smallest things happening in our lives on daily basis... I will unfold the beauty of these things through my eyes and my pen.....bringing rays of hope, love and laughter in your world!!!!

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Preparing my child for future ahead and meeting contingencies

As a mother of young children, i always feel cumbersome and burdened as to how to secure the future of kids who just are taking their little steps but will soon be ready with open wings to fly in their individual directions. With the rising cost of living, cost of education and to make it worse, if on any later stage my child decides to go for further higher education...will we as parents will be able to ensure that his dreams meet the reality. Suddenly the harsh reality strikes once again that in these times of creating luxuries over comforts and necessities will leave us enough saving for my kid's future and god forbid if the earning member is snatched by the cruel hands of destiny...how my babies gonna bear with the double loss of their beloved one and their beloved dreams....!!!is my child gonna sacrifice all his dreams and simply earn his bread and butter with a less deserving opportunity. As a mother....even the thought shakes me UP!! and it reminds me my duties as a guardian that some concrete steps must be taken at the right time to make my kid's future rock solid. 

As a mother, i try to teach my kids to protect themselves physically (from physical injuries), emotionally (from any emotional blackmailing or emotional abuse or vulnerability) and spiritually (by changing/interrupting my kid's thought process by any emotional jolt or cheating) but how can i protect my child financially. The simple question is open ended and hence can have many solutions but as a parent, i wanted the best.The following questions kept tinkling my mind and their answers were nowhere

A. How much i need to pay monthly/annually to receive long run benefits for my kids as and whenever they need?
B. What if i want to withdraw the money in between the periods i mentioned while taking my policy; to meet any contingencies?
C. What if by any mishap, the earning partner dies? And who will pay the rest of premium amount?
D. Are there any additional premium benefits my child can avail?
E. Am i eligible for the plan?
F. What are the benefits my child is gonna draw?
F. Are there any hidden costs i need to pay later???????

All these questions bombarded each other and made my head the titan of clashes ground till i decided to surf the internet and check myself..........

The comparisons among some of the reputed brands providing child plans were shocking and disturbing as well.Some had a big amount as premium, the other has some hidden costs to be borne by the purchaser. on the one hand, some did not assure a fool-proof payment while the other just didn't provide the facility to withdraw in-between if in case needed.........So after a through study and a complete comparison, i zeroed on Aviva Young Scholar Secure, a complete and reliable plan for a choosy mother like me. You can check yourself visiting  http://www.avivaindia.com/en/Individual/Child/AvivaYoungScholarAdvantage.aspx and playing safe with your child's future. Now the mom in me have entrusted my child's future to Aviva Who's a twin mom for protecting and saving my kid's future......What about you MOMS!!!!!!!!

© [ Ritika Kapoor] [My Sunshine My World] {2015] this post is exclusively constructed, written and owned by the owner. Any duplication, publication or usage without the written permission from the actual owner is is an offense and is strictly prohibited and illegal.

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